5 Part-Time Job Ideas for Students

Being a student is probably one of the coolest times in a person’s life. You get to live a carefree life, travel, drink, and hang out with friends while expanding your horizons at university. It doesn’t get any better than that, because what comes later is an adult world full of responsibilities and rules.

Nevertheless, it can be a good idea to prepare yourself for what’s coming after college. Sometimes it’s better to ease into being an adult than to just suddenly take the big leap. That’s why today we’ll talk about part-time jobs for students, their advantages, and the best among them.

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Why Should You Get a Part-Time Job?

Part-time jobs are a daily popular thing among college students, however, some are still hesitant to take up one. They’re afraid of the responsibilities and challenges that may come with it, as well as losing the precious time that they could be spending with their friends. Still, it’s important to note that taking up some sort of side hustle during your studies comes with many benefits.

Financial Independence

Going to university or college is as exciting as it is stressful. It’s a whole new environment, full of new people and new challenges that will come your way. It is also a time in your life when you are an adult, but still a child. Usually, you live in a dorm or share an apartment with friends, your parents send you money every month and you don’t really have to worry about anything.

But sometimes the cash sent by your parents may not be enough. You may want to travel with friends or go out occasionally. Or it’s just that your parents have a lot of other worries and are not able to support you at a level that allows you to keep spending money all the time. Then taking a job is the ideal solution.

Even a few hundred dollars a month will allow you to lead a life on a completely different level. You’ll be able to go out to the movies, buy the pants you’ve been dreaming of, or save up for a ticket to a music festival you’ve always wanted to go to. In addition, you will very quickly learn the best money-saving tips that will further improve your finances.

Sense of Responsibility

Of course, as we have already mentioned, college tends to be a time without much responsibility in life. It’s a period when you don’t have to worry about anything (well, except maybe how to get home after a night of partying). However, it’s hard to forget that after that comes adulthood, and confronting it can be painful. That’s why introducing a little responsibility into your daily life before actually entering the “grown-up” world can be a great idea.

If you’re already getting a paycheck as a student and are employed by someone, there’s a good chance that stepping into adulthood will be much easier for you. You’ll already know what it’s like to be responsible for something. This is a priceless experience.

Need to further learn about money? Start with our list of the best finance books.

Building Your Resume

If you’re a student, you’ve probably heard about how difficult it is to find a job after college if you don’t have work experience. Of course, this is quite paradoxical, because after all, somehow this experience has to be gained. But, well, that’s the way our world is structured.

It might come as a surprise to you, but part-time jobs are highly regarded by employers. And we’re not just talking about certain positions in major companies or corporate-paid internships. Even seemingly simple positions, such as being a barista or a salesperson in a retail store, can make a potential boss look at you much differently during the hiring process. It will show that you know what discipline and responsibility are, qualities that employers value most these days.

So if you want to give yourself a head start on your career path, a part-time job is a great idea.

What Are the Best Part-Time Jobs for Students?

As you can see, working as a student brings many benefits, well beyond the chance to buy the pants of your dreams (not that it isn’t important). As a student, it might be difficult to earn money without working, but you don’t have to do backbreaking labor to save up some funds.

Now we’re going to show you what kinds of job opportunities can work best for you, can bring you relatively the most money, and best fit your class schedule.

  1. Online Tutoring

Becoming a tutor is probably one of the easiest forms of income for students. Especially in this day and age when everything is done remotely, so you don’t even have to meet your students face to face anymore. Instead, you can just connect on Skype or FaceTime.

This form of earning money usually takes only a few hours a week, and you are actually able to make a pretty good income. All you have to do is choose a college subject you’re exceptionally good at, such as algebra, Spanish or history, and you’ll certainly be able to share your knowledge with a high school or middle school student. What’s more, in this situation you are your own boss and set your own schedule. You have total flexibility and no one tells you what to do. This is definitely a great idea for a first job.

  • Average Salary: $20-30/hour
  1. Barista

Working as a barista is probably the most cliché job for a student. However, this is for good reason. It is one of the most flexible and readily available positions on the part-time job market. Virtually every campus has more than a dozen coffee shops that are always looking for some extra manpower.

By becoming a barista, you can learn many new things, meet lots of cool people, and develop strong interpersonal skills. In fact, anyone who has dabbled in it will tell you that it’s not just about brewing tasty coffee, but also about being able to hold a conversation with a stranger. The best baristas are those who can riddle any customer.

Of course, it’s worth remembering that the job of a barista, like any in the food business, is quite physically demanding and often requires getting up early. However, if you dream of being that “cool hipster barista” at your neighborhood coffee shop, this is definitely the best option for you.

  • Average Salary: $14-20/hour + tips

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  1. Data Entry

Data Entry is not exactly the most exciting form of employment in the world, but it is nevertheless a great option for students. These kinds of positions offer flexible hours and a steady salary, plus they are often completely remote and do not require either a degree or much training. What’s more, there are always plenty of them on the market.

Despite the fact that we live in a digitizing world, large companies are constantly looking for employees to handle data entry for them. This means that in addition to the fact that it’s a decent job, it’s also an opportunity to add a globally recognized company to your resume.

Of course, dealing with data entry, you have to be very resistant to boredom. After all, it mainly involves filling in tables. Nevertheless, a few hours a week will certainly not be so terrible.

  • Average Salary: $17-22/hour
  1. Waiter

Right next to barista, being a waiter is the second most touted job for a student. However, that doesn’t change the fact that it’s also a great opportunity to cover your education expenses. Working in a restaurant, you can earn a lot in tips, have a flexible schedule AND have fun. Restaurants tend to be a meeting place for young workers from all sorts of backgrounds. And if you work hard and run with the dishes together, chances are you’ll become lifelong friends.

Of course, we need to note right away that the base rate for a waiter is very low (seriously, it’s very low). However, this is a position that allows you to double or triple your salary through tips alone. Usually, it’s 15-25% of the bill, and if you’re hired at a fancy place, you can expect to earn really big money.

  • Average Salary: $10-15/hour + tips
  1. Pet Sitter

Pet sitting is a job that has gained tremendous popularity in recent years and is becoming more common every day. As humans, we love our pets and want to provide the best for them. That’s why when we leave the city, we feel a great sense of guilt and the need to ensure that they receive quality care. And that’s how pet sitting, the job of taking care of someone’s pets, was born.

Typically, pet sitters come to look after an animal for an hour or a few. They feed it, take it out, and play with it, while reassuring the owner that everything is fine with their pet. Of course, this may also include administering necessary meds or even grooming. It all depends on the client’s wishes.

The job is great for students, as you are not bound by any official contract. Most often you find clients on special apps and work out the details with them. Also, you have flexible work hours and the rate of your choice (of course, it has to be reasonable enough for someone to hire you). It’s a great way to cover college expenses.

  • Average Salary: $17-30/hour

Are There Other Ways to Earn More as a College Student?

Part-time jobs may not necessarily be for you, and that’s ok. Perhaps you don’t have the time for it, or you’re just not ready for that kind of responsibility. Fortunately, there are other ways to improve your finances as a university student. One of them is CashYeah.

CashYeah is a great site for struggling students that allows you to earn some extra cash in exchange for completing simple tasks. All you have to do is create an account, fill out a few surveys, or register on a few sites, and we’ll reward you with Gems, which you can later redeem for subscriptions, gift cards, or simply withdraw in the form of a bank transfer.


As you can see, students have many opportunities to earn more, some of which don’t even require leaving home. If you’re wondering how to start your entry into adulthood, or how to earn those few extra dollars for your dream shoes, then this article is perfect for you. Read what we have prepared for you and start your journey to financial freedom.

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